Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Malaysian Words

Gonna brush up my Malay... check it out!!

ZAKARASUAH (adjective)
Living in a big bangoro that cannot be justified by one's income.

Rojak always complain he no money but his bangoro is so big. He is such a ZAKARASUAH.

Spending other peeple's money on unnecessary things.

Rojak so stupid. He ANGKASAWANG RM300 on a piaomei last night. He could have sendiri TFK and save that money.

NASRIDIOT (adjective)
Talking nonsense without using brain

Rojak told me last weekend only got 4,000 peeple visited Datarn Merdeka. I think he is becoming an NASRIDIOT liao.

Series of movie clips recorded using handphone.

Rojak told me his handphone is running out of memory because he has a lot of LINGAMOVIE in it.

PROTON (adjective)
A car which power window cannot function wan.

Rojak drives a brand new Lembu-Ghini but the power-window broke down already. It has become a PROTON.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

HongKong part 1

Ladies and gentlemen,

as old fellow like me need time to refresh my memory...
Now I will start my story... sit back and relax...

first trip to HK: Aug 2005 (sponsored by Johnson Electric)

feel so excited as this is my first time to take flight, and most important thing the ticket anc accomodation is FOC. hahaha.. banyak untung...

Was shocked as my 1st flight will be biz class of Cathay Pacific.. wow...

nice meal in the flight.

1st impression of HK: an energetic city with exciting nightlife and fast moving ppl.

the moment I have my first glance of HK on the flight,

HK victoria harbour view :

My story will begin with this urban city.... stay tune...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Buatan Malaysia

These are the video clips that made by Malaysian! Hot in youtube and you can find the tunes as ringtone in Malaysia and Singapore mobile phone network operators( Maxis, Digi, Celcom and Singtel). Heard that Singapore local movie director Jack Neo is approach the author which is from Muar and currently in Taiwan to compose siong for his next movie.

I like both clips! Enjoy!

Muar's Chinese

My Friend KawanKu

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Help or not help??!

Did you met this kind of situation?
when ppl asking for help from you, if you help them, you will suffer or ppl beside you will suffer. If not, The ppl who need help will suffer.

For myself, I always keep this concept, I'm willing to help when:
1. I'm capable to do it.
2. It won't bring any negative effects to the ppl beside you and you urself. (family, life partner, close friend...)
3. the person who need help is not the person i dun like/hate..or in another word is the person is worth to be helped.

For point 2, it usually caused me misunderstand by ppl tat I'm selfish, not helpful. Yup, I don't mind, as long as I can protect myself and the person I love/like. I'm not so generous to be a Mr Niceguy. Just call me selffish, cold blood as long as I dun make any silly move to help some1 and hurt the ppl I like direct/indirectly.

For point3, somebody just not worth to be helped. Once you help them, they will think that you have signed a life long servant contract with them. When they need your help again, they just think that it is for granted! No appreciation even a Thank you even though I dun really care bout that. But what I hate most is
if you refuse to help them, they will blame , curse, push all the responsibilities on you. Damn, they never think that help is a appreciation of friendship/relationship and it is not a must, in vice versa, we never do anything wrong for not helping people.

Met a situation recently, some1 ask for help from my family, I am the one to say no as it will bring negative effect to my family...But my parent willing to take some sacrifice just because some relationship issue, At last I witness my parents have to suffer which make me very sad as I am the 1 to help them. After the incident, I just told my parent about my feeling and just persuade them to say no next time! but they just runaway fromthe topic and choose to ignore me.

If you met this kind of situation, help or not help?? What says you!

Friday, February 23, 2007

hey hey,

hokkien lesson 1: foul words...

If "angmoh" can do it, so can you..

Hokkien lesson2: Hamsap version of "xiao wei小薇"

It's what we always say "Malaysia Boleh"

Thursday, February 08, 2007

So free....
Back to my home country bout 2 mths edi...
still goyang kaki... haha...
looking for jobs.. online... gaming...
tat's my recent life!
going to blog more.. about the countries tat i been visited during year 2006:
2. China (shenzhen, nanjing, shanghai)
3. Taiwan
4. Korea
5. Germany
6. USA
8. France
9. Spain
11.Czech Rep.

give me some times to roll back my memories and organize my photos....