Saturday, October 28, 2006

sokong malaysia

Just leave about 1 yr from malaysia, mana tahu ini gila-gila karen, dah macam so popular...
she got a brilliant voice and nice looking....
tapi mane tahu she dah come out a "MTV" taking from a mobile phone....
anyway hope you guys can support my friend!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

believe it or not?

you can say these are toys

you can say that this is impossible...

But it is true in US, firearm was packed like toy and even you can find in their supermarket like Walmart... cool ha...

i know ngiam will like it....

violence is the way!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

LIfe in US

eat like barbarian- meat meat and meat...
drink like barbarian- extra large cup of coke with unlimited refill
eat ice cream like kids - 3 cups of haagen-dazs and 2 cups of ben and jerry..(really cheap in US)
no wonder fatty can easily be found here..

plane is my major transportation ( 12 flights within 10 days)
HK-cleveland (3 flights), cleveland-richmond(1), richmond-decatur(2), decatur-little rock(2), little rock-HK(4)

ppl here are just nice and friendly .. compare to Deutch man.

waiting for another flight to little rock.....sick....flying "sicking" in process.....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bad Gal Wanted

Took this candid shot while I was in Singapore MRT station...
Really sungguh amat sangat hormat salute the gal in the photo.
grab something to eat under the signboard with No eating and drinking--fine SG$500.
As a badguy, I only can admit I'm a loser....( i only dare 2 eat chewing gum along the street in singapore)
I salute you! bad gal!!

p/s: the photo was modified in order to protect the person from singapore police!

Country road... take me home...

dun know consider lucky or not...
got the chance to explore to another side of the world...
20 hrs of flight, total of 9 flights to 3 places within 9 days...
I know is tired...
but I won't regret... (as it is free..:> )
US... here I come...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

New Passport

Never expect I'll get another passport within the passport expiry date.... I spend 24 pages within 10 mths coz travel to china in weeky basis. Hehe.. but funny la, coz got a old fashioned passport without microchip just like the same when i was primary school and stated with country of residence HongKong, China... will keep it forever.. haha

2 more weeks to travel back Msia
9 more weeks to finish my traineeship
10 more weeks to back pack to europe! :p

Trainee and Aiesecer

some funny memory in HK.... 2 more mths in HK!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Happy Birthday!!

Spend my 1st bday in oversea.....
but with lots of warmth greetings from friends that I familiar
but never seen them for months ago!!
I'm really happy!!!
Thank you so much!!!

Terima kasih kepada semua yang ku sayangi.....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Say goodbye to my old pal

Sorry to announce the official retirement of my Minolta Dimage Xi due to battert aging problem, it used to be the lightest, fastest in 2002 with 3x optical zoom and 3.2 mega pixels.

this photo is taken by my new Canon camera.
and i'll remember the memory that Minolta brought to me for this 3 years...thanks...

Summary of my HK Life

today is 28th May 2006. 7 months in HK as i remember i reached the pearl of eastern on 27th Oct 2005. Haha, but i found out that the digit in my bank account is almost the same when i open the account around 6 months ago.....

what's wrong?? and i come up the summary/ root cause where my $$ went into:

1. Twinhead noteboook with free Kodak photo printer, HKD 8,500 in Nov 2005 (1.73 MHz, 512mb Ram, 60Gb HDD, 1.7kg)

2. Flight ticket to Taiwan, HKD 2000++ in January 2006. (travel to TW during CNY for 7 Days)
pocket $$ HKD2000

3. Sony Ericsson W550 H/P, HKD 2280++ in March 2006.

4. Flight ticket to Korea, HKD 3000 in April 2006 (Travel to Seoul and Gangwon-do, transit in Taiwan for 9 days). pocket $$ HKD 4000

5. Canon Ixus 800 IS, HKD 3200 in May 2006 ( Substitute for my old Minolta Dimage Xi).

Haha.. spend a lot ya... but this not include some branded cloth that i bought, i got a few pieces of Espirit in my wardrobe... gonna save $$ now.. to pay back my PTPTN... hehhee

Monday, May 08, 2006

Am I too old ???

Just have a look on somebody blog....
I was impressed by them....
I think I'm old edi....
Not open minded....

Dear all, pls got to this website and read these 17 years old boys stories....
tell me how you feel!!
It's worth to read!!
Trust me!!

Their blog is

Malaysia Boleh ??

Browse through an interesting website recently...

share with you all the Ang Moh's review for Proton ...

Gen2- Poor build quality and a dated engine plague the latest Proton,Overall though, a smaller Ford Fiesta, or a bicycle are better buys.

Waja(Impian)- The Impian is a spectacularly unfunny joke.

Satria - It's awful, frankly, with a crashy ride, inaccurate handling, poor refinement and none of the equipment or impact protection offered by more modern European, Japanese or even Korean rivals.

Savvy- Proton's first-ever small car is a big step for the Malaysian carmaker - but we're wondering whether it's one in the right direction. But worst of all is the chassis, which manages to do a decent impression of a small boat - rolling with sickening ease under the smallest steering inputs

Wira- Nasty drive and cheaper than cheap interior.

Source :

Haiz.... nothing to say...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Just tidy up my desk, and realize that got lots of coins that i left since 4 months ago....usually i won't bring along those coins as small value and it will make those "cling cling" sounds in your pocket....

Still remember that when i was a kid( around primary 1), i got around RM0.50/ day for pocket $$...spend around RM0.30 for breakfast, then the rest will be the food for my piggy bank or just spend it on those junk food.So that time i have a habit to measure the weight of my piggy bank once a month....hahaha... was so happy when i saw it getting fatter and usually i will force it to slim down after every chinese new those red packet $$ and piggy bank saving together in bank.....So exited when you open the cover of the piggy bank... and saw the coins drop to the floor in a small mountain of coins with metal smell....

Now...Try to figure out how to clean up those coins...throw it?? hehe... not so stupid....donate?? scared those ppl will throw back the coins to me....Just imagine where got ppl donate 1 cents/ 5 cents in malaysia....

Finally i got a good idea.... spend those coins in the stamp vending machine....I like to receive hand written letter rather than email...maybe i feel bored about email edi...( almost hundred emails everyday in office)

Still remember when we were kids , when we saw the postman uncle ride his motobike and stop by our house gates...we (me, my sister and bros) will rush to get the key and open the gate to get the letter...happy when we saw some hand written letter from relatives or fren,disappoint when we saw those printing letter most probably from bank, government....hahaha

Now i'm still feeling exited when open my apartment mailbox...hope that there's something inside from ppls who care about me.... :p Ok, gonna bring those coins to stamp vending machine,
Though the value of the coins are small,
but it does help me to send my warmest greeting to ppl who i care...
that's the meaning of those coins for me ...

Friday, April 07, 2006

Tour de Sunnybear Ulang Tahun ke-1

merujuk kepada tarikh yang tercetak dalam foto di atas.
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa kumpulan sunnybear yang terdiri daripada
Giraffe, Rhino, Moose and Crane telah menyambut ulang tahun ke-1
untuk perjalanan panjang dari Skudai , Johor ke Kota Bharu, Kelantan
dengan menggunakan basikal sebagai alat pengakutan.

tahniah kepada kumpulan ini yang mempunyai akal yang luar biasa!
Selamat ulang tahun ke-1, Viva tour de Sunnybear!! :p

Friday, March 10, 2006



是上天的安排 还是命运的注定

靠近你 感受彼此心中的温暖
靠近我 不要再让彼此遗憾






Saturday, February 18, 2006


不能为你当着细雨 温暖你的手

总有人在背后关心我 支持我


短暂的邂逅 勾起了永恒的回忆
相聚一刻 却带着遥远的思念

每一次和你分开 深深的被你打败
每一次放弃你的温柔 痛苦难以释怀
每一次和你分开 每一次kiss you goodbye
爱情的滋味 此刻我终于明白

我不爱你 也不恨你

Saturday, January 14, 2006

< Happy Birthday>

juz read a few frens blog
got a kns fellow...
keep remind ppl tat his bday is coming soon....
ya la ya lah... want to announce in tv is it...

i know tat i'm not in jb
the crazy burn cake fellow oso not there...
the clumsy funny sarawak shorty is in another side of msia
and the sticky nonsense ,act cute.. huggie gal oso not around
and most important
u still haven't managed to catch the butterfly...

R u feel lonely,coz u keep remind ur fren bout ur bday...
nvm, i'll send u a china gal if u wan...

What i wanna say is
"ti gong ai gong kia" ( silly guy is doted by the god)
dun worry...
goodluck is always by ur side...
and sunnybear will always remember u...
dun worry, i'll remote ctrl a surprise plan for u from hk
with coordination with the PJ bomber man..
haha.. mayb burn ur hse this time...

anyway.... happy bday...
hope tat, butterfly will always be with u....

不知不觉 。。。离开我那四季如夏的老家快三个月了






哈哈。。。 有了有了我对我的老板干了些好好玩的事,


虽然它是我的老板但 。。

很对不起。。为了我们祖国"malaysia boleh" 的精神我只能杯葛他了。。
















活该!! 自作孽,不可活!!

很想对他说。。tmd! kns! RIP! and the last 1...Balik kampung lah u!! haha

dedicated to KC wong

dengan secara ikhlasnya...