Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My 101 Lollipop Story

I admit that I was born as a liar and I think all my friends will agree with that. Haha, and I feel proud of it also, coz not everyone can bluff or make story in any place, anytime.
Hehe… juz like Jim Carrey in Liar Liar.

As a JBG, sometimes I feel happy when making ppl confused with my liar, life is unpredictable so as my action and words… haha! Kinda enjoy it! But sometimes it will hurts ppl feeling. And here is the real case that happen yesterday…

I got nothing to do in office for 2 weeks oredi, so yesterday I decided to change back my status as JBG, ponteng 1 day and get a MC. Yup, I go out for fun even my family didn’t against it… haha… Finally they can understand how hard I stay in my company these few weeks.

I’m gonna MIA for 1 day and I din inform to my company also, juz dun care!! (Oh yeah, that’s the way men!!) On the way back from waterfall, receive a sms from colleague. The contents like that “lazypig y u nvr come to work 2day?” OMG, when I become pig pula??!! Heh… gonna give her a shock by reply like this “now on the way to KL, 2nite will go Bangkok by train, life is unpredictable, so long my fren”. As they all know I’m going to leave Panasonic on Friday now I just want to cheat her that I’ll leave earlier without any notice…

She din reply, and I thought she dun believe it. Mana tahu around 7.30pm, another sms coming, “hehe, I’ve predict u go out for fun, when u coming back? Dun kena rape in thai” Walao eh… za dao…she believe my words but still tembak me, ok, decided to make the story more interesting by replying like this “ I’m not going back anymore, will bcome social worker in thai 1st, and later fly to HK straight from thai”

Haha, of course gave her a shock... and she blamed me coz leaving without a words…Wah , still marah me.. Ok then I add more elements to my story… after a few sms, suddenly feel that it is too over, feel a bit guilty (bad guy oso feel guilty??!!) din sleep well the whole nite, coz worry when I go to office sure will shock her lagi…

Yup, all the things juz happen like what I have predicted, she is very very extremely angry this morning…OMG, feel lagi guilty when saw her… no choice, have to seek for her forgiveness and do anything that I can do to cool her down…

Sigh… seriously feel very sorry and guilty coz ppl concern bout me, but I still go and bluff her… it is too over… she ask for 101 lollipops, “ok no prob” I reply without consideration… sigh… make trouble to myself when bluff ppl, mayb I’m not a expert liar…

Dedicated to “xiao mei mei”, I’m very sorry bout it…

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